Select DropDown widget – Fyne Golang GUI tutorial 68
Select DropDown widget – Fyne Golang GUI tutorial 68
package main // import fyne import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { // New app a := app.New() // new title and window w := a.NewWindow("Select entry widget, drop down") // resize window w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 400)) // lets show our selected entry in label label1 := widget.NewLabel("...") // dropdown/ select entry //[]string{} all our option goes in slice // s is the variable to get the selected value dd := widget.NewSelect( []string{"city1-dehli", "London", "islamabad", "kabul"}, func(s string) { fmt.Printf("I selected %s to live forever..", s) label1.Text = s label1.Refresh() }) // more than one widget. so use container c := container.NewVBox(dd, label1) w.SetContent(c) //show and run w.ShowAndRun() }
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