Password Generator- Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 29, 30, 31

This is a complete guide to Fyne GUI Golang password generator


In this in-depth guide you will learn:

  1. How to create a fyne GUI for password generator
  2. How to generate passwords randomly
  3. How to code a logic for password generator in golang
  4. complete beginner friendly tutorial
  5. lots more



Password Generator- Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 30

Password Generator- Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 31


[sourcecode lang=”go” autolinks=”false” classname=”myclass” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” highlight=”1-3,6,9″ htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false” title=”Source Code main.go”] package main

import (

// import fyne

func main() {
// New App
a := app.New()
// New title and window
w := a.NewWindow("Password Generator")
// resize window
w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 400))
title := canvas.NewText("Password Generator", color.Black)
// input Box
input := widget.NewEntry()
input.SetPlaceHolder("Enter password length")
//label to show password
text := canvas.NewText("", color.Black)
text.TextSize = 20
// button to generate password
btn1 := widget.NewButton("Generate", func() {
// input
passlength, _ := strconv.Atoi(input.Text) // convert string to integer
text.Text = PasswordGenerator(passlength)
// show content
// put all widgets here
// Fyne appp

// Converting the code to a function
func PasswordGenerator(passwordLength int) string {
// Password Generator
// Lower case
lowCase := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz"
// Upper Case
// Numbers
Numbers := "0123456789"
// Special characters
SpecialChar := "£$&()*+[]@#^-_!?"
// Password Length
// passwordLength := 8
// variable for storing password
password := ""
// loop
for n := 0; n < passwordLength; n++ {
// Now random characters
randNum := rand.Intn(4)
// Switch statment
switch randNum {
case 0:
randNum := rand.Intn(len(lowCase))
// len to find lenth of slice/array
// NOw we will store the generated passowrd character
password = password + string(lowCase[randNum])
// it is byte… we need string
// first case completed
case 1:
randNum := rand.Intn(len(upCase))
// len to find lenth of slice/array
// NOw we will store the generated passowrd character
password = password + string(upCase[randNum])
// it is byte… we need string
// second done 🙂
case 2:
randNum := rand.Intn(len(Numbers))
// len to find lenth of slice/array
// NOw we will store the generated passowrd character
password = password + string(Numbers[randNum])
// it is byte… we need string
// 3rd done 🙂
case 3:
randNum := rand.Intn(len(SpecialChar))
// len to find lenth of slice/array
// NOw we will store the generated passowrd character
password = password + string(SpecialChar[randNum])
// it is byte… we need string
} // end of switch
} // end of for loop
// return password
return password

[/sourcecode] [easy_media_download url=”” text=”Download Code” color=”red_darker”]

Fyne GoLang GUI Course

#fyne gui
#golang canvas
#fyne demo
#goland theme
#golang calculator
#golang fyne examples
#goland icon
#software number generator
#passowrd generator
#fyne golang
#fyne io
#golang fyne
#golang icon

Any question or feedback related to fyne golang password generator ? You can drop a line.

Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

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