How to know if fiverr، upwork and freelancing is not for you

How to know if fiverr is not for you

Are you a freelancer ? or want to work as a freelancer.

Fiverr is a good place to start.

Even I will suggest facebook groups and whatsapp groups first. But this is not the topic of our today’s discussion.

ِِ ِAre you lazy ?
Do you think you are lazy ? if yes, no issue. Are you going to deliver a service which need a person who is very active. Then you need to stop providing that service.
Don’t provide any service which buyer need too fast like 2 to 3 hrs. Or instant delivery is required. like customer support.

You can’t write article in 1 hrs unless you are expert in subject or you want to deliver low quality content. or you want to rewrite that article

Worst internet connection?
Are you living in village or hilly area where internet service is not less than pain in the ass.
Don’t commit someone for fast delivery. You may be in trouble if you do so. keep in mind you limitation and do commit what you can delivery easily.

Busy day, Too tired?
Are you a part time freelancer? And you go to office or someother work. Returning back to home after a busy day and want to do some rest. But when you see 2 hrs left in the delivery time and you are very tired. So what will you do ?

Too difficult job?
Are you in a niche where you need to do some research. Where research is very important everytime. then you can face difficulties.

Need creativity?
Some jobs need creativity. And you need to do some homework before delivering the final product. After a busy and tiring day , Do you think you will be creative? Or even you have energy to do that task ?

Too much competition?
Do you want to start a competitive service? Where you want to compete the market place. Not good option if you are starting out. Too busy or having other obligations.

Too much changes and revisons?
If you are in a niche where some buyer need too much revisions and changes. Then fast delivery will not work.

Are you moody?

Are you  a moody person? A small mood swing can ruin your project ?

Help is required?

Are you working on a project which required different skill sets and you need other people help.

Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

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