Get Request JSON map[string]string{} 2 – Gin Gonic Golang Web Framework

Get Request JSON map[string]string{} 2 – Gin Gonic Golang Web Framework


Source Code

[sourcecode lang=”go” autolinks=”false” classname=”myclass” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” highlight=”1-3,6,9″ htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false” title=”Source Code main.go”] // In this tutorial we will send json data
package main
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
func main() {
// create router/server
r := gin.Default()
// Get request
// 2 args = one is path/url , 2nd is callback
r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
// 2 args = one is statusCode, 2nd is data
map[string]string{"Key": "Here is my value"})
r.Run() // lets run the server port:8080


gin gonic tutorial
gin-gonic / examples
gin-gonic documentation
gin framework tutorial
gin web framework
gin router
golang gin context
gin router group

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Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
Zhijiun - last year

Can you make a video about how gin connects to static content like css or js?

    Tony BB - last year

    Yes. I will create a video about it.


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