50 Good habits list for better life

50 Good habits list for better life

It is a known fact that you make choices on daily basis and these choices are responsible to create our actions and thoughts. Your actions and thoughts are in the same way responsible to develop these habits either good or bad. In the end, these habits are responsible for defining your lifestyle.

When you are examining all the activities you are being through all day, you will get to know that there are many bad and good habits you have developed through the course of many years.

How to change a bad habit

You will see that some of these habits are developed when you were a kid and your learned them from your teachers, parents and companions. For instance, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, tying your shoes etc.

Other habits you are having you must have got through your life experiences, influences from your peers, work, and social connections. You will see that bad habits you are having are due to the influence of others on our lives. People usually start smoking so that they can fit in their friends. When your parents are watching television in front of you then you will develop a habit of watching television most of the time. You will use social connections in order to be in touch with your friends so you will develop habit of using Facebook.

Five Best study Habits for College

How do you develop a habit? Well, it is simple when any one of your behaviour is repeated several times then our brain will get used to it and eventually you will be developing that habit in you; it will be difficult to break when you are practicing that habit for a long time.

Good habits are hard to form due to some reasons, all you need to do is to adopt good behaviours and repeat them several times so that your will develop a good habit.

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As far as good list of habits is concerned here is a list you can develop these good habits to improve your lifestyle:


  1. Walking every day
  2. Do not sit too much, keep standing for a while
  3. Stretching after the shower and in the morning as well
  4. Practicing aerobic exercises daily, such as, jumping, running, swimming, and dancing
  5. Play sports such as, soccer, football, softball, volleyball or basketball
  6. Start doing fun exercises as in jazzercize or Zumba
  7. Start running for 30 minutes per day with a friend of yours
  8. Stop using elevator and take stairs instead
  9. When you are parking somewhere park it far away from the destination so that you can have a short walk
  10. Start doing muscle strengthening exercises
  11. Doing sex regularly can boost your immunity, relief stress, reduce pain, helps you sleep better and can burn calories.
  12. Walk while watching television instead of sitting all the time.
  13. You ought to develop an outdoor habit such as, skating, hiking, biking or cycling etc.
  14. You need to perform a specific number of push up after shower and every morning

Eating Habits

  1. You should drink at least 16 glasses of water per day.
  2. Develop a habit of drinking two glass water when you wake up in the morning
  3. A full water habit needs to be with you all the time
  4. Eat something healthy as snacks, such as carrots, reddish etc.
  5. A cup of white tea or green tea daily
  6. Rather than having full meals, split it into small meals
  7. Whenever going to a superstore, go with your stomach full
  8. Keep meat or chicken once in a week in your diet plan
  9. Change sugary dessert with any fruit in your diet plan
  10. All processed snacks should be kept out
  11. Eat vegetables two times a day
  12. Have breakfast every day and do not skip it in any case
  13. Start eating slowly so that you should know when your stomach is full
  14. Olive oil and coconut oil should be used while making food
  15. Reduce drinking alcohol
  16. Popcorns should be used in evening snacks

Thinking habits

  1. Try to get rid of negative thoughts on daily basis
  2. Try to change what you assume about people
  3. Five minutes daily must be used to recall the happy memory with all the details
  4. Five minutes must be used to be grateful for what you have
  5. Learn from your previous mistakes and failures and think why it happened and not to make the same mistake again
  6. Paly brain games daily to keep your mind fresh

Emotional and spiritual Habits

  1. Start your morning with a prayer, meditation and give yourself five minutes each morning
  2. Try to notice what people make you feel, keep goods ones and omit bad ones
  3. If you are feeling stress, sit down and check the source or cause of stress
  4. Walking meditation must be practiced daily
  5. Tell yourself that all your problems and worries are not bigger than the Earth
  6. Keep a check on your emotions without judging them
  7. Spend time in nature every day and appreciate the beauty outside

Relationships and Love Habits

  1. Simply set a time in a day to talk with your spouse
  2. Try to add intimacy, romance and sexuality daily in your relationship with your spouse
  3. Ask your spouse, the problems and needs in a relationship
  4. Try to gift something even smaller or big to your spouse everyday
  5. Give your spouse a hug and tell them that you love them
  6. Try not to say anything negative to your spouse
  7. If there is any problem try to sought it out with lovingly and supportive language

End note

It might be very hard to develop some good habits and there must be many excuses in the way when you try to develop one, but all you need to do is to just keep practicing and do not give up at any cost. Take it as a challenge and develop some good habits from this good habits list that will benefit you in the long haul.

Stay blessed!

Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

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