[SOLVED] ESB99154 Error in Easypaisa 2025
Update your NIC issue date in Easypaisa app.
Easypaisa take 3 days to check and verify.
Even after updating details in EasyPaisa app, you need to wait for 3 days to perform a transaction.
اپنے ایزی پیسہ ایپ میں شناختی کارڈ کی تاریخ کو اپ ڈیٹ کریں ۔
اپ ڈیٹ کے بعد ایزی پیسہ آپ کے کارڈ کو چیک کرے گا۔
اور اس میں تین دن لگتے ہیں۔
تین دن ۔ کیا کریں سسٹم ہی ایسا ہے۔
کہ تین دن ایک تاریخ کو چیک کرنے میں ان کو لگتے ہیں۔
What is ESB99154 Error in Easypaisa?
Your NIC is expired and you need to create new NIC and update your data in easypaisa app and after updating your app be functional within 3 days.
What causes the ESB99154 error in Easypaisa and how can it be fixed?
Your NIC is expired and updating your NIC is the only fix.
What causes the ESB99999 error in Easypaisa and how can it be fixed?
Easyload and sending is disabled and updating your NIC is the only solution.
How to resolve Easypaisa error codes like ESB99154, ESB99017, and 404?
Check your network connection and NIC expiry.
What should I do if I encounter an ESB99154 error while using Easypaisa?
Update your NIC details in easypaisa app.
How to troubleshoot common Easypaisa errors including ESB99154?
Updating NIC issuance date can fix it.
What are the steps to fix the ESB99154 error in Easypaisa?
it is due to NIC expiry.
Disclaimer: All information written on this page is personal experiences.