Types of Javascript Operators tutorial 4

Arithmetic Operators

Addition +

Adding two numbers


Subtraction –


Multiplication *


Division /


Modulus % (Remainder)


Answer is 1

This is not quotent

Increment ++

 var i = 0 ; 

Lets increase i value by 1

 var i++; 

Decrement —

 var i = 0 ; 

Lets decrease i value by 1

 var i--; 

Assignment Operators

Assign value to a variable

a = 32 

Add one to a variable

a += 1 

minus one from a variable

a -= 1 

Operator Precedence

Order in which operations are performed. You can use brackets to make it easier

String Operators(concatenation)


Comparison Operators

Why we use comparison operators ?

Equal ==


Strictly equal ===


Not equla !=

8 != 3

Strictly not equal !==

3 !==2

Greater than >

5 >2

Less than <


Greater Than or Equal >=


Less than or Equal <=

3 &lt;= 4


Logical Operators

And &&

X &lt;11 &amp;&amp; y &gt;7

Or ||

X &lt;13 || y 8


Conditional Statements

if statment

if(3&gt;2){console.log("3 is greater than 2")}

else statment

 if(5&gt;3){console.log("5 is greater than 3")} 
 else{console.log("Dad is not happy")} 

Type Operators


Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

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