Toolbar icons- Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 65
Toolbar icons- Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 65
Fyne Toolbar widget is another fyne Golang example and tutorial.
fyne widgets are very easy to use but without proper fyne documentation it may not be easy.
Yesterday we covered fyne table which is an amazing fyne widget to create tables.
package main // import fyne import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { // new app a := app.New() // new title and window w := a.NewWindow("Tool bar - music player ui") // resize main window w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 400)) // new widget---- Tool bar toolbar := widget.NewToolbar( //toolbar items widget.NewToolbarAction( // first argument is icon // 2nd is action/func(){} theme.MediaPlayIcon(), func() { fmt.Println("Play music...") }, ), // copy paste for other items // pause widget.NewToolbarAction( // first argument is icon // 2nd is action/func(){} theme.MediaPauseIcon(), func() { fmt.Println("Pause music...") }, ), widget.NewToolbarAction( // first argument is icon // 2nd is action/func(){} theme.MediaStopIcon(), func() { fmt.Println("Stop music...") }, ), // spacer widget widget.NewToolbarSpacer(), // new item for support /// copy paste widget.NewToolbarAction( // first argument is icon // 2nd is action/func(){} theme.HelpIcon(), func() { fmt.Println("support music...") }, ), ) // put everthing in a container // c := container.NewHBox(toolbar) // letss change container c := container.NewBorder( // 5 elements / arguments // top, right,left,bottom, center toolbar, nil, nil, nil, widget.NewLabel("Content here"), ) w.SetContent(c) w.ShowAndRun() }
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Fyne Golang GUI Course