Random Color Generator – – Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 23 & 24

This is a complete Fyne & Golang Project.

No need of prior experience.

The idea of this app is to create random colors.

  • Shades of Red color.
  • Shades of Blue color
  • shades of Green color.

How to create random colors ?

rand.Intn() fuction is used to create a random number.

So this function is used to create a random digit between zero and 255.

Note: You need to import math/rand library and crypt/rand will not work in this project.


How to convert to uint8?

uint8() function is used to convert string or integer to UINT8 format.


GUI Elements

A basic canvas element like rectange is used in this app and 4 simple buttons.



Part #2

Source Code

package main

// import fyne
import (


func main() {
	// New app
	a := app.New()
	// Title and New window
	w := a.NewWindow("Random Color Generator")
	// Resize window
	w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 400))
	// New Rectange
	// Color for new Rectange
	colorx := color.NRGBA{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
	rect1 := canvas.NewRectangle(colorx)
	rect1.SetMinSize(fyne.NewSize(200, 200))
	// Btn for color change
	btn1 := widget.NewButton("Random color", func() {
		// UI is done.. Now Logic
		// unit8 is necessary to convert int to uint8
		rect1.FillColor = color.NRGBA{R: uint8(rand.Intn(255)),
			G: uint8(rand.Intn(255)), B: uint8(rand.Intn(255)), A: 255}
		rect1.Refresh() // refresh screen
	// Random RED Changer
	btnRed := widget.NewButton("Random RED", func() {
		// UI is done.. Now Logic
		// unit8 is necessary to convert int to uint8
		rect1.FillColor = color.NRGBA{R: uint8(rand.Intn(255)),
			G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
		rect1.Refresh() // refresh screen
	// Random GREEN COLOR
	btnGreen := widget.NewButton("Random Green", func() {
		// UI is done.. Now Logic
		// unit8 is necessary to convert int to uint8
		rect1.FillColor = color.NRGBA{R: 0,
			G: uint8(rand.Intn(255)), B: 0, A: 255}
		rect1.Refresh() // refresh screen
	// Random Blue COLOR
	btnBlue := widget.NewButton("Random Blue", func() {
		// UI is done.. Now Logic
		// unit8 is necessary to convert int to uint8
		rect1.FillColor = color.NRGBA{R: 0,
			G: 0, B: uint8(rand.Intn(255)), A: 255}
		rect1.Refresh() // refresh screen

[easy_media_download url=”http://blogvali.com/wp-content/uploads/fyne-golang-downloads/main23-24.go” text=”Download Code” color=”red_darker”]

Fyne Golang GUI Course

Tony BB

TonyBB is a Coach , marketer, hypnotist and a founder of RSKVF Production who specializes in providing simple, affordable, and easy to use solutions for Life.

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