BMI Calculator – Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 32 , 33
BMI Calculator – Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 32 , 33
BMI Calculator – Fyne GUI Golang tutorial 32 , 33
package main import ( "fmt" "image/color" "math" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Convert logic to Beautiful UI // New app a := app.New() //New title w := a.NewWindow("BMI Calc") // resize w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 400)) // label label := canvas.NewText("BMI Calc", color.Black) label.Alignment = fyne.TextAlignCenter label.TextSize = 20 // for resutl result := canvas.NewText("", color.Black) result.Alignment = fyne.TextAlignCenter result.TextSize = 20 // input height inputH := widget.NewEntry() inputH.SetPlaceHolder("Enter height in cm..") inputW := widget.NewEntry() inputW.SetPlaceHolder("Enter Weight in KG..") btn1 := widget.NewButton("Calc BMI", func() { h, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(inputH.Text, 64) w, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(inputW.Text, 64) result.Text = calculateBMI(h/100, w) result.Refresh() }) // setup content w.SetContent( container.NewVBox( label, result, inputH, inputW, btn1, )) w.ShowAndRun() } // converting into function func calculateBMI(height, weight float64) string { // copy the above code and paste here // BMI formula BMI = w/ h ^2 var BMI float64 = weight / math.Pow(height, 2) // math.Pow(base,power) // conditions // BMI <= 18.4 "You are underweight.") if BMI <= 18.4 { fmt.Println("You are underweight.") return "You are underweight." } else if BMI <= 24.9 { // BMI <= 24.9 "You are healthy.") fmt.Println("You are healthy.") return "You are healthy." } else if BMI <= 29.9 { // BMI <= 29.9 "You are over weight.") fmt.Println("You are over weight.") return "You are over weight." } else if BMI <= 34.9 { // BMI <= 34.9 "You are severely over weight.") fmt.Println("You are severely over weight.") return "You are severely over weight." } else if BMI <= 39.9 { // BMI <= 39.9 "You are obese.") fmt.Println("You are obese.") return "You are obese." } else { // "You are severely obese.") fmt.Println("You are severely obese.") return "You are severely obese." } }